J’s Fitness Team Personal Training
At J’s Fitness team we offer a professional PT service for you. We currently have 3 private studios where you can train in your own comfort or in a small group session. What we offer is ….
Warm welcome to the team
Brief chat to find out what you’d like to achieve, health checks etc.
Training at your own level of fitness and pushing your boundaries
Gradual build up in training to help you gain confidence to help you achieve your goals
All training is specific to your own goals
We offer food plans to your specific goals
We adapt training to any specific needs (injuries etc.)
We do measurements throughout your training to see how you are progressing
Ongoing support not just in the studios but outside because its lifestyle that get you where you are.
Everybody has the fear when stepping into a new gym and new instructor so don’t ever feel like you are the only one. One thing we hear a lot is ‘I’m not fit enough to do it’ …... nonsense because everybody has to make a start and personal training in your own comfort with a professional instructor is one of the best ways of helping you gain that confidence and push your body to limits you never thought was possible. Once that’s step is made trust us you will never look back, the feeling you get from training or even changing your lifestyle to healthier option is the best feeling in the world. No negative come from it just all positives and you can’t go wrong with that. So make that step whether its personal training, classes or just get in contact for free advice on where to start we are only on the other end of the phone.
Prices of Personal Training
1x Personal Training session for 1-4 ppl - £20
Block booking of 5 sessions for 1-4 ppl - £80
Measure on its own - £5
Food plan - £5
Looking forward to have YOU part of the Team,
believe in yourself anything is possible!